Monospace Engine Manual
Written for Monospace Engine Version 0.1.0.
For more information and the latest updates, visit
Copyright © 2024 Monospace Games
Thank you for your interest in Monospace Engine.
Monospace Engine is a 2D game engine designed to make making games simple and fun. This manual contains everything you need to know to make games with it, or modify any Monospace Engine game you want. It is split into three sections: Basics, Reference, and Tutorials.
The Basics section explains the central ideas behind the engine and how it works. It's a relatively short tutorial for anyone looking to get started.
The Reference section contains a complete list of all engine features, alongside examples and explanations.
And finally the Tutorials section contains a few useful tutorials that show how to use the engine's various features to implement some common use cases.
This manual is written for Monospace Engine Version 0.1.0. To keep up with the development of Monospace Engine visit
If you have any suggestions or need any help feel free to send me an email at
I hope you like the engine and have fun creating things with it!
The central idea of Monospace Engine is that games are made up of files that anyone can access and edit. These files can be things like images, sounds, plaintext files, or Lua code, but the important thing is that it's all user configurable. Anyone can take any game and edit, remove or replace any part of it, or add new things as they want.
Let's take a look at a Monospace Engine game to see how this works. Open the directory in which you have the engine installed, and you'll see that it contains the following:
- monospace.exe
- The engine executable
- user-manual.html
- This manual
- games
- A directory containing installed games
- common
- A directory containing common data
Now open the games directory, and you'll see that it contains a directory for each game you have installed. There is one thing that is common across these directories: they all must have a main.txt file in them. These main.txt files are plaintext files that can be opened (and edited!) with any text editor, such as notepad. Let's go into the samplonia directory, and take a look at its main.txt file:
GAME OBJECT [SAMPLONIA] FILES: tilesets.txt maps.txt actors.txt keymaps.txt PLAYER: Sampson CONTROLS: player_keymap
You already know what this describes! A game called SAMPLONIA, that's made up of the listed files, where the player controls a character named Sampson, and the controls are determined by player_keymap. You could add another file to that list and it'd become part of the game. Or you could go into any of the files listed and change them to your liking. Or you could change the player character, or the controls, etc. It's all configurable!
But before we get ahead of ourselves let's create our first game, so we'll have an independent project to work on. Go back to the games directory, and create a copy of the samplonia directory by copy-pasting it. Then open the main.txt of the new directory and change the name of the game (the [SAMPLONIA] part) to something new, e.g. [SAMPLONIA 2].
Congratulations! You just made your first game! That's all it takes to create a game in Monospace Engine: a directory under the games directory, which contains a main.txt file, which describes a GAME OBJECT as shown above. Launch the engine and you'll see that your new game is now listed in the games menu. However it's still identical to SAMPLONIA, and to change that we need to know what Elements are.
The main.txt file we looked at in the previous section started with the words GAME OBJECT and contained the description of a game named SAMPLONIA. Take a look at any other text file listed in that description, such as tilesets.txt and maps.txt, and you'll notice that they have a similar form. They also start with a type declaration at the top ( TILESET OBJECTS or MAP OBJECTS ) and contain definitions of tilesets and maps that are used by the engine. These assets are all called elements, and they provide Monospace Engine everything it needs to know to run games.
All elements have a name, a type, and a description. The available types are the following:
- Games that can be run by the engine.
- Maps which make up game worlds.
- Tilesets, used in maps.
- Fonts used to display text.
- Menus for user interaction and HUD.
- Cameras determine how players are tracked.
- Keymaps define how characters are controlled.
- Actor objects determine the types of characters in the game.
- Actor instances are specific characters in the game world.
We build our games out of elements belonging to these types. There are many rules that determine how an element of each type is described, but the good thing is that you don't need to know them all! That's what the Reference section is for. As long as you know what each type of element does you'll be able to look up how to edit them easily.
How Elements Are Built
Remember that the central idea of Monospace Engine is that it loads all assets from files that are accessible and editable by users. We now know these files to contain elements. But how does the engine know which files to load? And what types of files can it work with? We'll explain these in this section.
When you launch the engine it starts looking for files in the following manner:
First it looks at the directory named common next to the executable.
This directory is expected to contain a main.txt similar to the game directories we've talked about in the previous sections. But the game object found in this file is special: it's named COMMONS, and as its name suggests it contains not a game but the common assets that are required for basic functionality, such as the main menu and the fonts used in it. The files belonging to this game object are loaded immediately.
Then the engine looks at each directory in the games directory, and loads their main.txt files. These files contain game objects, and the files belonging to these games are not loaded until the game they belong to is launched.
Aside from the main.txt files in the special locations listed above, a file is only loaded if it's part of a GAME OBJECT. And there are two kinds of files that a GAME OBJECT can contain: plaintext files and Lua scripts.
The files we've looked at so far have been plaintext files. They're just regular text files that you can open and edit with any text editor, and the description of an element in them looks like this:
We can load elements from Lua scripts as well. These scripts are also regular text files that you can open with any text editor, they just have the ".lua" extension to signify that the text they contain is Lua code. Lua is a programming language, but don't worry if you're not familiar with programming, it's notoriously small and straightforward. As an example here's how the above element definition looks like in Lua:
CreateElement("ELEMENT_NAME", "ELEMENT TYPE", {PROPERTY_1 = "VALUE_1", PROPERTY_2 = { "VALUE_2", "VALUE_3" }})
Let's go back to the game we created at the beginning of this tutorial to put our new knowledge to use. We'll do something simple, but not too simple: we'll create a menu that launches when the player presses a button.
To figure out how to do this let's think back to the element types we've seen. You may recall the types MENU OBJECT and KEYMAP OBJECT. Since we want to create a menu, we'll create a new element of type MENU OBJECT. And since we want this menu to launch whenever a key is pressed, we'll edit a KEYMAP OBJECT. It usually pays to think in terms of elements.
Let's start with the menu. It'll be a simple one: a fullscreen menu with a button that says "Hello!", and when you press it the menu closes and the game resumes. Create a new empty text file in our game's folder, e.g. mymenu.txt, and insert the element's type and name into it:
We now need to write the description. For that let's take a look at the Reference section of the manual, I'll link to the relevant part here. Feel free to take a moment here to read a bit into how menus are described.
The necessary information we want to provide in the description is the following:
We want our menu to be fullscreen, so we'll use the IS_FULLSCREEN property.
A button mint. A mint is something that you can interact with in a menu, and its name is a portmanteau of menu + interaction. These are usually called widgets in other programs.
For the mint itself we need the following information:
Type - A mint's type determines how it can be interacted with. We want a button.
Position and dimensions - Where to place the mint, and its width and height.
Text - We want the button to say "Hello!".
A command that executes when we press the button.
Putting all this together, here's what our menu looks like:
In the position and dimension values we've used PIXELS and TILES, which are length units similar to centimeters and inches in real life. You can read more about the available length units here. Our button is 4 tiles wide and 1 tile long, and to keep things simple I've chosen to set the position of our mint to the origin, which corresponds to the upper left of our screen. After you finish this section feel free to experiment with these values!
Now that our menu object is ready, it's time to make the file it's in a part of our game. Open the main.txt file of the game and add mymenu.txt to FILES. Take note of the PLAYER section as well: you'll see that the value associated with the CONTROLS property is the name of a keymap object. This is the element we'll need to edit to make our new menu launch when the player presses a button. We'll find that element in the keymaps.txt file.
Open the keymaps.txt file and look for the KEYMAP OBJECT named player_keymap. Then add the following line to its description:
X: LaunchMenu("MY_MENU")
And that's it! This line instructs the keymap to run the LaunchMenu("MY_MENU") command when it detects an X keypress. And since the keymap is used by the player, whenever the player presses X our menu will launch.
Wrapping Up
We've covered the core concepts of Monospace Engine in this tutorial. What games are, what elements are, how elements are built, how to create new elements or edit existing ones - these make up our big picture. Now it's time to start looking into the finer details, which are explained in the Reference section. But before you go I'd like to make a few suggestions.
First, remember that the Reference section aims to be complete. This means that it's pretty long and written more to be consulted than read front to back. You should skim it so that you have a general idea of what's available, read the bits you find interesting, and consult it when you're actively working on things.
Second, start small and learn by doing. Make minor tweaks to other games. SAMPLONIA in particular has been written to be as small and instructive as possible, so feel free to continue experimenting with it.
Finally you may benefit from installing a fully featured text editor if you're not already using one. Default text editors such as Notepad on Windows and Gedit on Linux are fine but very lightweight. They lack helpful features like syntax highlighting and code completion. This will not matter much at first when you're mostly dealing with plaintext files, but as you move on to working with Lua scripts the difference these features make will be night and day. There's a wide variety of text editors, each with differing capabilities. More technically inclined people tend to prefer Emacs or Neovim, but be aware that these can take a fair bit of time and effort to learn. If you're new to programming I'd suggest using NotePad++ on Windows and Kate on Linux.
And that's it for this section of the manual! Thank you for reading, and I hope you have fun creating things with the engine.
Each time the engine is launched it goes through an initialization process. During this process the engine parses files found in certain locations relative to the engine executable, with the purpose of building elements. These files are the following:
First the file commons/main.txt is parsed. This file is expected to contain a GAME OBJECT named COMMONS. This game object is intended to contain essential information such as the main menu and the fonts used in it, and the files associated with it are loaded immediately.
Afterwards the engine looks at each directory in the games directory, and parses their main.txt files. These directories are expected to contain assets belonging to individual games, and their main.txt files are expected to contain elements of type GAME OBJECT. Unlike COMMONS, the files belonging to these game objects are not loaded immediately, but are loaded only when the game they represent is launched.
After this process the engine will look for a menu object named MAIN_MENU, and launch an instance of it. This menu is where user interaction begins.
Outside of the initialization process mentioned above, the engine will only parse files when a game is launched. It is capable of parsing two types of files: Plaintext Files and Lua Scripts.
Plaintext Files
Plaintext files use the .txt extension and contain element descriptions in the following basic form:
TYPE DESCRIPTION [ELEMENT_1_NAME] TYPE DESCRIPTION property1: value1 property2: value2 property3: value3 property4: property5: value4 [ELEMENT_2_NAME] ...
Type Descriptions
The first non-whitespace, non-comment line of a plaintext file can be a type description, such as ACTOR OBJECTS. This type description can also be incomplete (e.g. just OBJECTS, or ACTOR), or can simply be omitted.
Elements can also have type descriptions on their first lines, and these can also be incomplete or omitted. The main rule is that the combination of file and element type descriptions must provide a full type for the element, and must not conflict.
Some examples:
If the type description of a file is ACTOR OBJECTS, none of the elements in that file need to have type descriptions, they'll all be interpreted as describing actor objects. They can still have the type description ACTOR OBJECT, as it will not conflict with the file type.
If the type description of a file is OBJECTS, elements in that file need to have type descriptions that provide the missing part of the type, e.g. ACTOR, MAP. Elements in the file can have different types provided that they're all objects. They can also specify that they are objects, but it's not necessary.
If a file has no type description at the top, all elements in that file must have full type descriptions. These type descriptions can differ from each other, and there are no restrictions to what type of elements such a file can contain.
Plaintext files with full type descriptions at the top have less parsing overhead.
Element Descriptions
Element descriptions in plaintext files begin with unindented lines that contain the element's name in brackets. They end when a new description starts, or the file ends, so they can contain empty or commented out lines.
These descriptions contain the properties that describe the element according to the syntax its type requires (see elements). These properties can be nested through indentation, or be provided on the same line by being separated by colons. Omitting colons after a property indicates that it expects no nested elements after it, and an increase in indentation in such a case will result in an error. More than one colon on a single line will also result in an error. These rules are intended to make the tree structure of descriptions obvious at a glance:
[ELEMENT_1] foo: bar: baz # Wrong, multiple colons on the same line foo: bar: baz # Wrong, same reason [ELEMENT_2] foo: bar: baz # Correct foo: bar: baz # Correct
Both tabs and spaces can be used for indentation. Combining them is not a good idea, but if they are combined tabs are interpreted as a skip to the next tab stop with the tab width of eight.
Plaintext files support single line comments using the # character.
Escape Sequences
The characters : and # have special significance in plaintext files: as described above colons are treated as separators, and hashes are used for comments. But sometimes we want to turn off this behavior and just have a regular colon or hash sign in our text. This is done by preceding them with a backslash ( \ ), and such sequences of characters such as \: or \# are called escape sequences.
The full list of escape sequences in Monospace Engine are as follows:
- \:
- Escapes colon, which is otherwise used as a separator.
- \#
- Escapes hash, which is otherwise used as a comment delimiter.
- \\
- Escapes backslash, which is otherwise used to construct escape sequences.
- \n
- Represents a newline.
- \t
- Represents a tab.
Furthermore if a line ends with a backslash, it'll be parsed together with the line below (or in other words the line break will be escaped).
If a backslash follows a character that is not listed above (such as \z) it will have no special significance, and both characters will be included in the text.
To see an example of escape sequences in action, see Font Object examples.
Lua Scripts
Lua scripts use the .lua extension and contain Lua code. These scripts can use the basic functionality of the Lua programming language such as variables, loops, if/else statements and functions, and they also have access to Lua's basic library and the string, table and math libraries.
Similar to plaintext files, the main purpose of Lua scripts is to create elements. Thus they are evaluated once during engine initialization or when a game is launched, and have access to a restricted subset of the engine's overall scripting functionality. See initialization contexts for details.
Lua scripts are evaluated in the same global environment, and in the order they appear in the game object that contains them. This means that definitions from file A will be visible to file B granted that file A is listed before file B in the game object. (This feature can be useful, but for readability purposes its a good idea to not rely on it too much, and prefer lexical scoping and variables declared local whenever possible)
The engine uses LuaJIT, so the scripts should be compatible with Lua version 5.1.
Game Objects
Game objects represent games that can be run by the engine. The main information they contain is a list of files that make up the game, and they also specify how the game is to be displayed on the screen and the players that exist in it.
Games are launched via the LaunchGame function, which creates a game instance variable named ActiveGame in the global environment. See game instances for the scripting interface of this variable.
Paths to files containing elements that make up the game. These files can either be plaintext files or Lua scripts.
File paths must be relative to the main.txt that contains the game object, e.g. for the following directory structure:
example_game ├── main.txt ├── file1.txt ├── script1.lua └── directory └── file2.txt
The expected file paths in main.txt would be:
[EXAMPLE_GAME] FILES: file1.txt script1.lua directory/file2.txt
Monospace Engine is capable of split-screen up to four screens, and the following properties control how each screen behaves, as well as how many screens there are, and how to split the screen.
If you wish to have a single screen that tracks the player, use this property as follows:
This property is optional; if no screen information is provided there will be a single screen using the camera object with the name DEFAULT_CAMERA. This screen will not render anything until its camera is attached to something, or explicitly moved to a specific position in the game world (through the camera instance API).
1/2/3/4Number of screens the game will be split into.
Optional; if unprovided will default to the number of the screen with the highest number for which information has been provided (e.g. with COUNT unprovided, if any information is registered for SCREEN4, COUNT will be set to 4). If no screen information is provided for any of the individual screens, count will default to 1.
Count is always strictly obeyed, so if you set COUNT to 2 any information provided for SCREEN3 and SCREEN4 will be discarded. Likewise setting COUNT to 4 will always result in four screens, even if no information is provided for screens SCREEN1-4.
HORIZONTAL/VERTICALThe direction in which the screen will be split in.
Optional; will default to VERTICAL if unprovided. Only matters when COUNT is 2 or 3.
Screens are numbered first from left to right and then top to down. For example if there are four screens, top left will be screen 1 and bottom right will be screen 4.
<PLAYER OR ACTOR INSTANCE NAME>Determines what the camera belonging to the screen will be tracking.
Optional; if unprovided the screen will not render anything until its camera is attached to an instance or a player, or moved to a specific position in the game world.
<CAMERA OBJECT NAME>Name of the camera object to be used by the screen.
Optional; if unprovided will default to DEFAULT_CAMERA.
Optional. There is no upper or lower limit on the number of players a game can have; you can provide no players at all, or as many as you want.
Name of the player.
Name of the actor instance that will be controlled by the player.
Optional, players that don't control any instance are valid; they will still be able to use their keymaps.
Multiple players can control the same instance, but one player cannot control multiple instances.
See keymap parsing.
Optional; providing no keymap information will result in a player with an empty keymap. Controls can still be registered at runtime through the scripting interface.
Scripts associated with player keymaps will be evaluated in player contexts.
Overlapping controls between different players should be avoided (e.g. an A press having meaning for two different players). In case of such overlaps there are no guarantees on who gets to capture the overlapping input.
A tileset object intended for game art such as cover and banner images, optional. Certain tiles you can provide in this tileset such as COVER and BANNER will be displayed in the games menu if available. See game object examples/games menu for details.
See tileset objects for the syntax of tileset objects.
Scripts belonging to the game, optional. See script parsing.
These scripts will be evaluated in game instance contexts.
Evaluated as the last step of game initialization, after all files belonging to the game have been parsed and evaluated, and the arguments passed to the game have been loaded into its environment.
Evaluated each frame the game progresses.
Evaluated when the game is returned to via a CloseUntil call.
Evaluated as the first step of game exit, before the game world and the elements belonging to the game start being unloaded.
Metadata for the game object, optional. Certain information you can provide in the metadata such as DESCRIPTION and VERSION will be displayed in the games menu if available. See game object examples/games menu for more information.
See metadata for details.
TODO: Insert examples
Games Menu
COVER and BANNER tiles in the game art tileset
COVER: 5x7, BANNER: 14x4
Game names should be kept at max 27 characters
DESCRIPTION at max 27 chars, 3 lines
FULL_DESCRIPTION ideally 27 char, 16 lines
Map Objects
Map objects represent individual environments of the game world. They contain information about their size, their bounds, and have canvases on which tiles are placed to determine the appearance and physical environment of the map. They can also specify how they connect to other maps to build interconnected game worlds.
When a game is launched, a game world containing all maps available in the game is created. This game world can be accessed through the table containing map instances. See map instances for the scripting interface of these variables.
TODO: Insert examples
Dimensions of the map. Width and height must be integers in tile units.
Gravity to be applied within the map. Must be an integer value in subpixel units.
Optional; defaults to 0.
See rectangle parsing.
Optional; will default to map size.
Camera bound rectangles tolerate unbound rectangles and omitted values. Omitted values will default to appropriate map dimensions. Integer values provided within the definition are interpreted as being in tile units.
See rectangle parsing.
Optional; will default to map size.
Movement bound rectangles tolerate unbound rectangles and omitted values. Omitted values will default to appropriate map dimensions. Integer values provided within the definition are interpreted as being in tile units.
See canvas parsing.
See color parsing.
Optional; will default to WHITE.
If provided in RGB format, does not expect an alpha value to be provided.
Metadata for the map object, optional. See metadata for details.
Tileset Objects
Tileset objects contain tiles, which are placed on canvases to make up the interactable environments of maps, or the decorations of menus. Tilesets can contain two types of tiles: static tiles and sequence tiles. Static tiles use the below listed syntax, while sequence tiles use the sequence syntax and are composed of static tiles.
Static Tile Syntax
Path to the image containing the appearance of the tile.
Optional for default tiles, required for named tiles.
Dimensions of the tile. Width and height must be integers in tile units.
Optional; will default to detected dimensions if a texture path is provided.
Solidity of the tile.
Optional; if possible will be inherited from the default tile, otherwise will default to false.
Note that tiles must be solid and also be placed on z levels that have base parallax speed to be interactable within maps (see canvas parallaxes).
A tileset can have any number of tiles. Below tileset has three; two of which are static, and one is a sequence.
[MY_TILESET] STATIC_TILE_1: IS_SOLID: YES TEXTURE_PATH: my_tileset/tile1.png STATIC_TILE_2: TEXTURE_PATH: my_tileset/tile2.png # STATIC_TILE_2 does not have solidity information, # so it'll default to non-solid. SEQUENCE_TILE: STATIC_TILE_1: 30 STATIC_TILE_2: 30 # Shows STATIC_TILE_1 for half a second (30 frames), # then STATIC_TILE_2, repeats. # The solidity of a sequence tile is determined # by the first tile in the sequence, thus due # to STATIC_TILE_1 being solid this tile will # also be solid.
The tile with the name DEFAULT is special: its properties can be listed directly under the tileset itself. Thus the following two tilesets are equivalent:
[MY_TILESET] TEXTURE_PATH: my_tileset/default.png DIMENSIONS: (1x1) IS_SOLID: YES
The default tile enables tilesets composed of a single tile to be described more concisely, and it can also be used to provide defaults to the other tiles in a tileset as follows:
[MY_TILESET] TEXTURE_PATH: my_tileset/default.png IS_SOLID: YES TILE_1: TEXTURE_PATH: my_tileset/tile1.png # TILE_1 has no solidity info of its own, # so it'll inherit from the default tile # and be solid. TILE_2: TEXTURE_PATH: my_tileset/tile2.png IS_SOLID: NO # TILE_2 has its own solidity info, so it'll # override the default. TILE_ANIM: DEFAULT: 30 TILE_1: 30 TILE_2: 30 # The default tile can be used in animations.
(At the moment only solidity information is inherited.)
Default tiles are allowed to be incomplete (missing information that's required for static tiles, such as the TEXTURE_PATH), and in such cases their purpose is to project information to other tiles in the tileset:
[MY_TILESET] IS_SOLID: YES TILE_1: TEXTURE_PATH: my_tileset/tile1.png TILE_2: TEXTURE_PATH: my_tileset/tile2.png # Both TILE_1 and TILE_2 will be solid.
Incomplete default tiles are not treated as real tiles: they can't be placed on canvases, and are not listed under the tiles of a tileset in the object scripting interface.
The default tile can also be a sequence:
[MY_TILESET] # Static tiles TILE_1: TEXTURE_PATH: my_tileset/tile1.png TILE_2: TEXTURE_PATH: my_tileset/tile2.png # Default tile TILE_1: 30 TILE_2: 30
Just like other sequence tiles a default tile that is a sequence will inherit the solidity information of its first tile, but it will not project its solidity information to other tiles. This means that in such tilesets all solidity information of static tiles must be provided explicitly.
Like all other elements, tilesets can also contain metadata:
[MY_TILESET] TILE_1: TEXTURE_PATH: my_tileset/tile1.png TILE_2: TEXTURE_PATH: my_tileset/tile2.png METADATA: AUTHOR: Pablo Picasso
Font Objects
Font objects determine the appearance of text. They contain information regarding the characters available in the font and how each character is to be displayed, and are used in the appearance settings of menus and mints.
Monospace Engine uses its own font format and text rendering functionality - this means that it does not use other fonts that may be found on your computer, but instead expects to find fonts in the form of FONT OBJECTS. Just like other element types, FONT OBJECTS allow users to easily create or configure fonts.
The engine ships with three fonts by default: C64, ARCADE and BUBBLES. C64 and ARCADE are general purpose fonts, and BUBBLES is for stylized text. All three are included in the COMMONS game object.
Default size for the characters in the font. Width and height must be integers in scaled pixel units.
Required, sets the dimensions of the default whitespace characters, as well as any explicitly provided whitespace characters that lack dimensions.
Characters in the font.
A character in the font. Can be any character, e.g. a, b, ç, 啊. Compatible with ASCII and UTF-8 encodings.
The following are two special character names:
- Used to represent characters that are not in the font.
- Used to represent the cursor when the font is used to render text that is being edited.
Both UNKNOWN and CURSOR are optional. If UNKNOWN is unprovided unknown characters will be displayed as whitespace, and if CURSOR is unprovided the cursor will be displayed as a block that swaps the foreground and background colors of the text at point.
Whitespace characters space, tab, newline are inserted to all fonts by default and don't have to be explicitly provided. Tabs have tabstop behavior and a maximum length of 8 spaces.
Path to the image containing the appearance of the font character. Optional; if unprovided character is assumed to be whitespace.
TEXTURE_PATH information can be provided directly after the character, e.g.:
[EXAMPLE_FONT] CHARACTERS: A: TEXTURE_PATH: example-font/uppercase/A.png
is equivalent to:
[EXAMPLE_FONT] CHARACTERS: A: example-font/uppercase/A.png
( <WIDTH> x <HEIGHT> )Size of the font character. Width and height must be integers in scaled pixel units.
Optional; if TEXTURE_PATH is provided will default to the detected dimensions of the given image. If not will default to DEFAULT_SIZE.
( <X> , <Y> )Offset of the font character. X and Y must be integers in scaled pixel units.
Optional; will default to zero.
Offset is used during rendering to adjust character position, can be negative or positive. Offsets do not interfere with the "normal flow" of text rendering, meaning that they have no effect on the positioning of other characters.
Metadata for the font object, optional. See metadata for details.
Here's how the font C64 is defined in common/fonts.txt, abbreviated for the sake of the example:
FONT OBJECTS [C64] DEFAULT_SIZE: (8x8) CHARACTERS: # Uppercase characters A: textures/font/c64/uppercase/A.png B: textures/font/c64/uppercase/B.png # ... Z: textures/font/c64/uppercase/Z.png # Lowercase characters a: textures/font/c64/lowercase/a.png # ... # Numbers 0: textures/font/c64/numbers/0.png # ... # Punctuation &: textures/font/c64/punct/ampersand.png =: textures/font/c64/punct/equal.png !: textures/font/c64/punct/exclamation.png _: textures/font/c64/punct/underscore.png \\: textures/font/c64/punct/bslash.png \:: textures/font/c64/punct/colon.png \#: textures/font/c64/punct/hash.png # ... # Special characters CURSOR: textures/font/c64/cursor.png UNKNOWN: textures/font/c64/unknown.png
This is pretty straightforward, but there are two things to note:
The backslash ( \ ), colon ( : ) and hash ( # ) characters are each preceded with a backslash to turn off their syntactic significance and treat them as regular text characters. (See escape sequences)
Instead of putting all textures in the same folder, they're sorted into subfolders such as uppercase and lowercase. This is not just for the sake of organization - Windows has trouble distinguishing path names that only differ due to capitalization, e.g. A.png and a.png, so it's necessary to put such files into different folders for them to be accurately accessed by the engine.
Menu Objects
Menu objects represent menus, which provide a generic way to display information and provide user interactivity. Menus can be fullscreen or windowed, interactive or non-interactive, and their appearance can be customized through their APPEARANCE and CANVAS settings.
User interaction in menus happens primarily through mints, which represent menu items such as buttons and text boxes. Menus can also contain keymaps that associate key presses with scripts.
Menus are launched via the LaunchMenu function, which takes a menu object and creates a menu instance. This menu instance can then be accessed through the variable named self in the menu's scripting context.
Position of the menu. X and Y must be viewport lengths.
Providing POSITION and DIMENSIONS information to a menu makes it windowed. Providing one makes the other a requirement, and providing neither will make the menu fullscreen, which is the default. If the menu is explicitly set to be fullscreen (via the IS_FULLSCREEN property), providing POSITION or DIMENSIONS will result in an error.
Dimensions of the menu. WIDTH and HEIGHT must be viewport lengths.
Providing POSITION and DIMENSIONS information to a menu makes it windowed. Providing one makes the other a requirement, and providing neither will make the menu fullscreen, which is the default. If the menu is explicitly set to be fullscreen (via the IS_FULLSCREEN property), providing POSITION or DIMENSIONS will result in an error.
Makes the menu fullscreen.
Menus with the IS_FULLSCREEN property should not be provided POSITION or DIMENSIONS information.
If a menu is not provided any POSITION, DIMENSIONS or IS_FULLSCREEN information it'll default to fullscreen.
Makes the menu an overlay menu, so that it will not stop the input capture and evaluation of the menu, game or stage that exists before it.
For a more detailed explanation see window stack.
Overlay menus can have keymaps, but are otherwise uninteractable, meaning they have the following restrictions compared to regular menus:
their button and input mints are not interactable, and will behave as labels
they do not use the default menu controls (arrow keys, enter, ESC)
Makes the menu hide when it is inactive.
A menu is inactive when there is a window newer than it on the window stack that prevents the user from interacting with it (i.e. anything that's not an overlay menu). Inactive windows are usually not rendered, but if the newer window is a menu that's not fullscreen or has a transparent background they will still render. Normally this is intended behavior, but in certain cases (e.g. overlapping text) it may make sense to hide the older menu while the newer menu exists. This option enables the hiding behavior.
See menu appearance.
Optinal; missing appearance information will be inherited from MAIN_MENU.
See canvas parsing.
Mints in the menu, optional.
Name of a mint in the menu. See mints.
Scripts belonging to the menu, optional. See script parsing.
These scripts will be evaluated in menu instance contexts.
Evaluated after the menu is initialized, and the menu's arguments have been loaded into its environment.
Evaluated each frame the menu is active.
Evaluated when the menu is returned to via a CloseUntil call.
Evaluated when the menu is closed.
See keymap parsing.
Optional; all menus share the following basic controls:
- Arrow Keys
- Change selected mint
- Esc
- Close menu
Moreover mints can capture input depending on their type as well.
Keymap bindings will capture input events before default controls, meaning that in case of overlap the default controls will be overshadowed.
Scripts associated with menu keymaps will be evaluated in menu instance contexts.
Camera information for the menu, optional.
All menus have their own cameras; the camera can either be attached to the menu, in which case it will automatically track the center of its active mint, or it can be detached and set to point to a specific coordinate. See camera instances for details.
Menu cameras start as attached to their menu by default, but unless the camera is provided custom bounds they will appear as static.
<CAMERA NAME>Name of the camera object to be used by the menu.
Optional; if unprovided will default to DEFAULT_CAMERA.
See rectangle parsing.
Movement bounds for the menu's camera. Optional; will default to menu dimensions.
Camera bound rectangles tolerate unbound rectangles and omitted values. Omitted values will default to appropriate menu dimensions. Given values must be viewport lengths.
Metadata for the menu object, optional. See metadata for details.
Mints are things in menus that the user can interact with. There are three types of mints:
Label mints, which only display text.
Button mints, which can be pressed.
Input mints, which can be pressed and can capture text input.
When a menu instance is created, its mints are initialized as Lua variables and stored in the menuInstance.mints table. See mint scripting for the scripting interface of mints.
New mints can also be created at runtime independent of menus through the CreateMint function.
See mint appearance.
Optional; missing appearance information will be inherited from the parent menu.
<TEXT CONTENT>Text to be rendered by the mint, optional.
LABEL/BUTTON/INPUTType of the mint, required.
- Labels
- Only serve to display text; cannot be selected or pressed.
- Buttons
- Can be selected and pressed.
- Input
- Can be selected, pressed, and can capture text input.
Pressing happens by clicking on a mint, or pressing enter when it's selected.
While an input mints is selected, all keymap bindings are disabled temporarily for clarity, and the following additional controls are defined:
- Remove character before cursor
- Remove character at cursor
- Enter newline
- Move cursor
Scripts belonging to the mint, optional. See script parsing.
These scripts will be evaluated in menu instance contexts.
Evaluated when the mint is pressed. A press can be either an enter keypress or a right click.
Evaluated when the mint is selected.
Evaluated when the mint is deselected.
Evaluated each frame the mint is available and the menu it's in is active.
TODO: Insert examples
Below properties can be provided in the APPEARANCE settings of menus to customize their appearance. They can also be used in mints, but with one distinction; only the appearance settings concerning mints (which are listed after the MINTS property below) can be provided to mints. For example:
This makes the mints in MY_MENU use WHITE as their color when active. To achieve this using the appearance setting of a mint, we would do:
Such appearance settings that are directly provided to mints have precedence over the appearance settings of menus.
If a menu is missing any of its appearance information, it is inherited from the MAIN_MENU. The required/optional behavior of properties stated below is only applicable after inheritance - for example FONT is required, but if MAIN_MENU includes a FONT in its appearance settings (and it does by default) you don't have to specify it for your menus, as they'll inherit the information. In practice this means that all properties listed below are optional, unless you change the default MAIN_MENU included in the COMMONS.
Border appearance information for the menu.
Borders are only visible if the menu is windowed - fullscreen menus do not display borders.
Border appearance information can be provided both for all sides, and for individual sides. Information defined for an individual side has precedence over information defined for all sides. For example:
This defines a menu with red borders, except for the left border, which will appear blue.
Appearance information for an individual side of the border.
Appearance settings for the mints in the menu.
The settings listed here can also be provided in the APPEARANCE settings of mints directly.
Appearance settings for text to be rendered by mints.
<FONT OBJECT NAME>Name of the font object to be used by the text.
Required if the relevant mint has text to be rendered.
( <X> , <Y> )Position of text within the mint. X and Y must be viewport lengths. Viewport lengths in this context have scaled pixel resolution.
Optional; will default to zero.
If the mint has type INPUT, this value will get updated as the cursor moves around to ensure that the cursor remains visible at all times.
LEFT/RIGHT/CENTERHow to align lines. Optional, will default to LEFT.
<MARGIN VALUE>The distance the text renderer will try to maintain between the edges of the mint and the text rendering area. Must be a viewport length.
Optional, if unprovided will default to zero.
If a POSITION value is present, MARGIN will be ignored in favor of POSITION. This setting is mainly intended for input mints - as the cursor moves around POSITION will be altered accordingly, but MARGIN will stay the same, and the text renderer will try to obey it.
NONE/LINES/WORDSDetermines how to display lines that are too large for their rendering area. Has the following options:
- No text wrapping, if a line gets too large it will simply overflow horizontally.
- Text is wrapped at the first character that overflows.
- Text is wrapped, and the renderer will try to do the wrapping at spaces to avoid breaking within words.
Optional, if unprovided will default to NONE.
<HEIGHT>Minimum height of a line of text in the mint. Must be a positive integer in scaled pixel units.
Optional. By default the height of a text line is determined by the tallest font character in that line. If there are no characters the font's DEFAULT_SIZE property is used.
Note that LINE_HEIGHT represents the minimum: if it is exceeded by the height of any font character in the line, or the font's DEFAULT_SIZE property, it'll be ignored for that line in favor of the larger value.
Appearance settings for the cursor.
Note that a mint's cursor will only be visible if it is currently selected, and it has the type INPUT.
BLOCK/CHARACTERType of the cursor. Optional, if unprovided will default to CHARACTER.
Cursors with the CHARACTER type are rendered using the special CURSOR character defined in font objects, and cursors with the BLOCK type are rendered by swapping the foreground and background colors of the text at point.
If the font does not have a CURSOR character the cursor rendering will use block type rendering regardless of this setting.
<COLOR>Cursor color. See color parsing.
Optional, will default to the mint's ACTIVE_COLOR if unprovided.
<ON-DURATION> <OFF-DURATION>The blinking pattern for the cursor. Both ON-DURATION and OFF-DURATION must be non-negative integers, and at least one of them must be positive. They represent the number of frames the cursor will be shown and hidden.
Some example values:
- 1 0
- The cursor will constantly be shown.
- 0 1
- The cursor will never be shown.
- 30 30
- The cursor will be displayed for 30 frames, and be hidden for 30 frames.
List of regions within the text. Each region can have its own font, foreground/background colors, and offset for positioning.
Name of a text region.
<BEGIN-INDEX> <END-INDEX>The range of the region. Both BEGIN-INDEX and END-INDEX are expected to be positive integer values representing character indices, with BEGIN-INDEX being inclusive and END-INDEX being exclusive.
For example if the text is ABCDE, the region 1 2 selects the character A, the region 1 3 selects AB, the region 2 4 selects BC and so on.
Optional, if unprovided the region will be inactive.
In case of overlaps, regions with higher BEGIN-INDEX values are preferred. If BEGIN-INDEX values are equal, newer regions are preferred.
<FONT OBJECT NAME>Name of the font object to be used by text within the region.
Optional, if unprovided will default to the general FONT value of the text appearance.
( <X> , <Y> )Offset to use when positioning the text within the region. X and Y must be integers in scaled pixel units.
Optional; will default to zero.
Offset is used during rendering to adjust character positions, and can be negative or positive. Offsets do not interfere with the "normal flow" of text rendering, meaning that they have no effect on the positioning of other characters.
<COLOR>See color parsing.
Optional, if unprovided will default to the general ACTIVE_COLOR value of the text appearance.
<COLOR>See color parsing.
Optional, if unprovided will default to the general INACTIVE_COLOR value of the text appearance.
Border appearance information for mints.
Border appearance information can be provided both for all sides, and for individual sides. Information defined for an individual side has precedence over information defined for all sides. For example:
This defines a mint with red borders, except for the left border, which will appear blue.
Appearance information for an individual side of the border.
TODO: Insert examples
Camera Objects
Camera objects define how screens track their targets. They do this using the following concepts:
- Easers
- Which determine how an initial value approaches a target value.
- Definitions
- Rules about where the camera seeks to place its target on the screen.
- Trackers
- Collections of definitions.
Camera objects are used to generate camera instances - which are used by menu instances, game screens and stages. Camera instances behave according to the rules of the camera object associated with them, and they also have a scripting interface capable of operations such as changing the target they're tracking, or being moved to specific positions. See camera instances for details.
The smallest distance which the camera is capable of moving. Screen pixel resolution results in smoother motion, while scaled pixel resolution gives a more consistent pixelated appearance.
For more information on screen & scaled pixels see lengths.
Optional; will default to SCREEN_PIXELS.
Easer to be used when the target of the camera is out of focus according to the rules of the camera's tracker, see easers.
Conditions are optional, see conditions for details. X, Y must be viewport lengths. Viewport lengths in this context use relative slices.
Point trackers seek to keep their target on a single point on the screen. For example, a point tracker with a definition of ( 180 SLICES, 180 SLICES ) will seek to keep its target in the center of the screen. When the target moves, the camera will follow it according to the easer given in the POSITION_EASING property.
Point trackers can have multiple definitions, e.g.
In each frame the conditions associated with these definitions will be sequentially tested, and the first one that holds will be used. Omitting the condition will make the definition always applicable.
When the active definition changes from one frame to another, the easer given in the DEFINITION_EASING property will be used.
Region trackers keep their target within the bounds of a region on the screen.
TODO: To be implemented
Metadata for the camera object, optional. See metadata for details.
Easers determine how an initial value approaches a target value. There are three types of easers: INSTANT, CONSTANT and BERNSTEIN:
Instant easers go from initial value to target value instantly.
<VALUE>Value is expected to be an integer in range [1,100].
Constant easers go from initial value to target value by the given constant amount each frame. For example a constant easer with value 25 would go from 0 to 100 as 0 -> 25 -> 50 -> 75 -> 100
Bernstein easers go from an initial value to a target value using Bernstein polynomials, which makes it possible to create easers of arbitrary complexity. Such easers can display ease-in, ease-out, ease-in-out behavior and more.
(<STEP-VAL> [(<COEFF-VAL-1> <COEFF-VAL-2> ...)])Given values are expected to be floating point numbers.
A step value is mandatory and has range (0,1]. The easing is done by incrementing from 0 to 1 by step value each frame, so it determines the duration (e.g. with a step value of 0.1, the easing process takes 10 frames to complete). Coefficient values can be omitted entirely.
If there are n coefficients, a Bernstein polynomial that is a combination of n + 2 basis polynomials with degree n + 1 will be generated. The basis polynomials and will have coefficients 0 and 1. These only exist to guarantee that the easing process begins from source, and ends at destination. For more information on Bernstein polynomials see wikipedia.
E.g. for a formula of (0.1 (0.5)), the coefficient list is (0.5), and the resulting Bernstein polynomial is
The FORMULA value can be provided directly after BERNSTEIN, e.g.
is equivalent to
YES/NO/TRUE/FALSEOptional; will default to false.
Easing processes have an initial and target value. If the target value changes while the process is ongoing, the process is normally interrupted and restarted with the new value. But if this option is set to true, such an interruption will result in the process reversing rather than restarting IF the new target value equals the initial value with which the process started.
This can be useful in places like cameras with point trackers that have two definitions and have an ease in-out formula like (0.1 (0 1)).
TODO: Insert examples
Keymap Objects
Keymap objects bind input signals such as keys and mouse events to game buttons and scripts. They're used to specify the controls of players and menus.
It is possible to provide keymap objects within other elements instead of as standalone ones - such keymaps are said to be inlined. See keymap inlining for details.
Keymaps have a highly flexible scripting interface - everything about a keymap can be redefined at runtime. See keymap scripting for more information.
Name of a keymap object to inherit bindings from.
This feature is only available to inlined keymaps (see inlining). Keymaps defined as standalone elements cannot inherit.
Inheriting from multiple keymaps is not possible, and inheritance must happen before the registration of any bindings.
If any bindings provided to a keymap conflict with bindings that have been inherited, directly provided bindings will have precedence.
See input signals.
An input signal can only be assigned to one thing, whether it's a script or a game button.
See scripts.
If the input signal is a mouse event, the x and y positions of the mouse are passed to the script as arguments. The passed positions are in scaled pixels, and with respect to the upper left position of the context that has evaluated the script. (See keymap examples/mouse event)
The context in which these scripts are evaluated depends on the keymap's role: e.g. keymaps that belong to menus will be evaluated in menu instance contexts, while keymaps that belong to players will be evaluated in player contexts.
See game buttons.
Multiple input signals can not be assigned to the same game button.
Not all game buttons can be used here; the FORWARD and BACKWARD buttons are considered "virtual" (they don't just reflect key presses, but also depend on the direction of the controlled instance), thus are not allowed to be inserted into keymaps.
Input Signals
Input signals represent various types of input that the user can provide. They are divided into two main categories: keys and mouse events.
Number Keys
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Alphabetical Keys
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Arrow Keys
Mouse Events
Which correspond to the following:
- Mouse motion
- Left mouse button press
- Left mouse button release
- Right mouse button press
- Right mouse button release
Keymap objects are capable of being inlined - they can be provided as part of other elements as well as on their own. For example:
is equivalent to:
[MY_MENU] MENU OBJECT KEYMAP: # Inlined keymap X: Foo()
As stated in the keymap syntax section, inlined keymaps differ from standalone keymaps in that they're capable of inheritance. For example:
In this example the keymap of MY_MENU will have all bindings of MY_KEYMAP, as well as the bindings defined in its own body.
TODO: Insert examples
Mouse Event
Actor Objects
Actor objects define the types of characters in the game world. They describe what characters look like, how they move in the game world, and how they can be controlled. To do this they contain sprites, animations, actions, and controls that can be associated with those actions.
Note that actor objects represent the types of characters and not characters themselves - to place specific characters in the game world use actor instances.
Sprites belonging to the actor object.
Actor objects can contain any number of sprites, which are in turn used to make up their animation sequences.
See sprite parsing.
Animations belonging to the actor object.
Actor objects can contain any number of animations, which are in turn used by actions to determine what characters look like as they move in the game world.
See sequence parsing.
Sequences should be made of sprites.
Actions belonging to the actor object.
Actor objects can contain any number of actions, and there are no restrictions on the types of actions they may contain.
See action parsing.
Controls of the actor object.
Optional; no controls being provided for an actor is valid.
The name of the control.
<GAMEBUTTON(S)>See game button parsing.
Can be a single button, or a combination of buttons composed through the operators + and >.
Buttons combined with + need to be pressed in the same frame. Buttons combined with > need to be pressed consecutively, within 10 frames of each other.
<ACTION_NAME>The name of the action to start.
This shouldn't be a response or an idle action, but currently there are no checks.
LEFT/RIGHT/UP/DOWN/FRONT/BACK/HORIZONTAL/VERTICALSets the new direction of the actor instance. Optional.
TODO: To be implemented
Metadata for the actor object, optional. See metadata for details.
TODO: Insert examples
Actor Instances
Actor instances are individual characters in the game world. They specify which actor object they're an instance of, and where the character is located in the game world.
The scripting interface of actor instances is currently under development. The features available at the moment are their scripting contexts, and the SearchWorld function which can look up actor instances in the game world. See actor instance scripting for details.
Name of the actor object which the actor instance is an instance of.
Required, must be the first property registered.
Direction of the actor instance.
Optional, will default to RIGHT.
Name of the map the actor is in. Required.
Position of the actor instance. Given values must be in scaled pixel units. Required.
Velocity of the actor instance. Given values must be integers in subpixel units.
Optional; will default to zero.
The effect of velocity on position is as follows: each frame (60 times a second) the velocity value is added to the position value. So for example:
A velocity value of (1, 0) adds 1 subpixel to the X position each frame, and in one second (60 frames) a total of 60 subpixels (equal to 1 scaled pixel as described in the units section) will be added, causing the instance to move one pixel to the right each second.
A velocity value of (60, 0) adds 60 subpixels to the X position each frame, causing the instance to move one pixel each frame and 60 pixels each second.
So the velocity value can both be seen as subpixels per frame and pixels per second.
Acceleration of the actor instance. Given values must integers be in subpixel units.
Optional; will default to zero.
Acceleration's effect on velocity is the same as velocity's effect on position: each frame the acceleration value is added to the velocity value. So for example an acceleration value of (1, 0) adds 1 subpixel to the horizontal velocity each frame, and in 60 frames the instance will go from stationary to moving at a velocity of (60, 0).
Metadata for the actor instance, optional. See metadata for details.
TODO: Insert examples
Common Syntax
This section lists syntax rules for components that are used in multiple elements.
Colors can be specified in two ways: RGB values and color names.
RGB Values
As RGB values, colors can be expressed using the following syntax:
(<R>, <G>, <B> [, <A>])R, G, B, A are expected to be integer values within range [0,255]. A is optional, if unprovided will default to 255, which corresponds to zero transparency. For more information about the RGBA model see wikipedia.
In certain contexts providing an alpha value is not allowed. These contexts (such as the BACKGROUND_COLOR setting of map objects) will explicitly state this restriction in their documentation.
Color Names
The following color names can be provided to the engine in places where a color value is expected:
Name | RGB Value | Color |
BLACK | (0,0,0) | |
WHITE | (255,255,255) | |
RED | (255,0,0) | |
GREEN | (0,255,0) | |
BLUE | (0,0,255) |
Length Units
Monospace Engine uses the following units to describe lengths:
Screen Pixels
Length of one pixel on the display device being used.
Scaled Pixels
Length of one screen pixel times the scale multiplier.
Scaled pixels are screen pixels "scaled up" - they're the larger pixels that you see in pixel art, and they provide the engine with a consistent pixelated appearance at higher resolutions.
One tile is equivalent to a length of 16 scaled pixels.
Tiles are typically used to describe the geometry of map objects.
One subpixel is equal to 1/60th of a scaled pixel.
Subpixels are used to describe values that relate to the motion of instances in game worlds, such as velocity and acceleration.
Screen Slices
One screen slice is equivalent to 1/360th of the engine window's length.
Screen slices are useful in positioning UI elements such as menus and mints - they make it possible to describe lengths such as middle of the screen (180 SLICES) or bottom of the screen (360 SLICES) in a way that's independent of the actual size of the engine window.
Unlike other length units, the length of a screen slice depends on the direction in which it's used: if used in a horizontal context (e.g. as a WIDTH value) one slice will equal 1/360 of the window's width, and if used in a vertical context (e.g. HEIGHT) it'll refer to 1/360 of the window's height.
Viewport Lengths
Viewport lengths are lengths composed using the units listed above. The basic syntax for them is as follows:
Sign can be + or -. It is optional, and if unprovided assumed to be +.
Magnitude must be an integer.
Unit must be one of the following:
TILES/TILE for tiles
Combinations of viewport lengths are also valid viewport lengths, e.g. 360 SLICES - 10 PIXELS.
If a viewport length is stated to have scaled pixel resolution, it means that this context is not sensitive to lengths smaller than scaled pixels, and will round them to the nearest scaled pixel value.
If a viewport length is stated to use relative slices, it means that the lengths of screen slices in this context are calculated using the active rendering area and not the whole window.
x1, y1 correspond to the position of the upper left edge of the rectangle, while x2, y2 correspond to the lower right.
Depending on the context, the INF keyword can be used in descriptions to create rectangles that extend to infinity, called unbound rectangles. INF can also have a sign, such as -INF, +INF. For example ((-INF, 2), (+INF, 5)) represents a rectangle that is horizontally infinite, but vertically restricted between y = 2 and y = 5 lines.
Again depending on context, values being omitted in rectangle descriptions may be tolerable. These will default to context-specific values. As an example ((,),(+INF,)) when used as camera bounds in a map will yield a camera that is bound by the edges of the map in all directions except right.
Canvases are visual environments on which tiles can be placed. They're used to describe the appearances of map and menu objects, and in case of map objects they also determine the physical environments of maps.
For the scripting capabilities of canvases see canvas scripting.
List of tiles within the canvas.
Name of a tile to be placed on the canvas. Has the following form:
TILESET_OBJECT_NAME is the name of a tileset object,
TILE_NAME is optional, and is the name of a tile within the tileset,
TRANSFORMATION is optional, and is the name of a transform to be applied to the tile (see transformations)
For example, with MY_TILESET being the name of a tileset that contains the tiles TILE_1 and TILE_2 in it (see tileset examples) the following are some valid tile names:
If the tileset has a default tile, it can be referenced both as MY_TILESET and as MY_TILESET DEFAULT. Similar to named tiles, transformations can be applied to the default tile too, e.g. MY_TILESET VERTICAL_FLIP.
( <X>, <Y>, <Z> )Where the tile will be placed on the canvas.
For map canvases X, Y must be integers in tile units, and for menu canvases they must be viewport lengths with scaled pixel resolution. Z must be an integer representing a parallax level in both cases.
Multiple placements can be provided on the same line, and any text outside parentheses will be ignored. For example in maps (0,0,0) hello (1,0,0) is valid placement information.
List of parallax levels of the canvas.
Parallax levels are like the "layers" of the canvas - each parallax level has a Z value and a parallax speed associated with it. Z values determine the parallax levels' order of appearance, and parallax speeds determine how fast the levels move as the camera scrolls.
Parallax levels are optional for menu canvases - they can tolerate placements with Z values that are not associated with any known parallax level, and will assign them a default parallax speed of 100. Map canvases are more rigid and expect all Z values used in placements to correspond to a known parallax level.
Z value of the parallax level. Must be an integer.
Parallax levels with higher Z values are rendered in the background compared to levels with lower Z values. Things that are not part of canvases but are rendered alongside them will render as if they are between Z levels 0 and -1. This means that tiles with negative Z levels can obscure players and actor instances in maps, and mints in menus.
Parallax speed of the level. Must be an integer.
Parallax speeds determine how fast levels move as the camera scrolls, and the base parallax speed is 100. For example in games a parallax level with a speed of 100 will move as fast as the player, 50 will move half as fast, and 0 will be completely stationary. Higher speed values are also possible, e.g. a parallax level with 200 will move twice as fast as the player.
TODO: Insert examples
Transformations are visual operations that can be applied to textures. Currently they're only used in tile names.
Available transformations are the following:
Rotations are done clockwise.
Game Buttons
Sprites define how actor instances look and interact with the world at a given moment.
Path to the image containing the sprite's appearance, required.
If a property given to a sprite does not match any of the properties listed here, it's interpreted as a PATH, e.g. the following are equivalent:
[MY_ACTOR] SPRITES: TEST_SPRITE: PATH: path-to-sprite.png
[MY_ACTOR] SPRITES: TEST_SPRITE: path-to-sprite.png
Dimensions of the sprite. Width and height must be integers in scaled pixel units.
Optional, if unprovided will default to the dimensions of the image given in PATH.
Direction in which the image of the sprite is facing by default.
Used to apply transforms as necessary, e.g. a sprite with DIRECTION set to RIGHT will be horizontally flipped when it's being used to render an instance facing left.
Optional, will default to RIGHT.
Center of the sprite.
Center is kept consistent from frame to frame, which allows the engine to keep the positions of instances consistent when they shape change and size during animations. You can think of it as the "heart" of the sprite.
Optional, will default to the center of the sprite's dimensions.
See rectangle parsing.
Hitbox of the sprite. The instance will take damage if its hitbox comes into contact with another instance's hurtbox.
Optional, none or multiple can be provided.
See rectangle parsing.
Hurtbox of the sprite. The instance will inflict damage if its hurtbox comes into contact with another instance's hitbox.
Optional, none or multiple can be provided.
See rectangle parsing.
Collisionbox of the sprite. Used in interactions with map geometry, and represents the "solid" part of the sprite that can't go through tiles.
Optional, and unlike HITBOX and HURTBOX at most one COLLISIONBOX is allowed per sprite.
Actions are things that actor instances can do. Actor instances always have an active action - whether it's one initiated at will (either by the player or through the AI), one that happens in response to something (like being hit), or just an idle action.
RESPONSE/IDLE/MOVEMENT/ATTACK/DEFENDType of the action. Determines whether the action can be started at will; RESPONSE and IDLE can't, but the others can.
When an actor instance has no active action, the first IDLE action whose REQUIREMENTS property is satisfied is activated. Finding no suitable idle action will result in an error, so all actor objects must include at least one idle action.
See sequence parsing.
Sequences should be made of animations.
[BY] is optional syntactic sugar for INCREMENT, DECREMENT cases, and is not expected for the other cases.
If the motion modifier describes an effect on position, the effect types MAX/MIN/CONST are considered invalid.
If the motion modifier is horizontal, the effect is "mirrored" when the corresponding instance is facing left, so that positive modifier values always correspond to movement towards the direction the instance is facing horizontally. No such adjustment is made for vertical modifiers.
Value is in subpixel units.
<CONDITION>See conditions.
If type is response a condition is required.
If type is not response this is optional; will default to TRUE so that the action will always be available.
INDEFINITE/ANIMATION_LENGTH/<VALUE>Value refers to the number of frames the action will be active.
Optional; will default to indefinite.
YES/NO/TRUE/FALSEOptional; if not a response will default to yes, if a response will default to no.
YES/NO/TRUE/FALSEOptional; if not a response will default to yes, if a response will default to no.
<CONDITION>Optional; will default to false so that no extra interruption condition will exist.
TODO: Insert examples
Action Stacking
Actions can be stacked, meaning that multiple actions can be active at the same time. This is only possible with actions that are interruptible at will. At most five actions can be active at the same time, activation of any new actions will cause older ones to be shifted off, their ending consequences will not register.
With such stacked actions, the consequences of the latter ones are emphasized, but the consequences of earlier ones will also apply as long as they're not overshadowed by the more recent actions.
Appearance is determined by the most recent action only.
If an action is interruptible by responses, responses only kick in if it's the most recent action, and all stacked actions will be removed in such an event.
The METADATA property allows you to store custom information in elements. This information will then be available under the metadata field of the element's scripting API. For example:
registers the Foo, Bar key-value pair into the element's metadata, which can then be accessed as:
-- Get EXAMPLE_ELEMENT local exampleElement = SearchObjects("EXAMPLE_ELEMENT") -- Access the field Foo of its metadata print(exampleElement.metadata.Foo) -- Will print Bar
The METADATA field is useful because it lets you embed your custom data into elements, which can then be used by your game's own logic. See the Implementing Weather tutorial for a demonstration.
There is no limit to how much information METADATA can contain, and its contents are translated to a table in the same hierarchy that they are provided in. For example:
[EXAMPLE_ELEMENT] METADATA: Foo # metadata[1] = "Foo" Bar # metadata[2] = "Bar" Baz: Qux # metadata.Baz = "Qux" Fruits: # metadata.Fruits will be a table Apples # metadata.Fruits[1] = "Apples" Oranges # metadata.Fruits[2] = "Oranges" Tropical: # metadata.Fruits.Tropical will be a table Papaya: 10 # metadata.Fruits.Tropical.Papaya = 10
In the scripting API, the metadata field will contain a table if the element has metadata, and will be nil if it does not. The field itself is read-only, but its contents aren't since metadata is just a regular table.
exampleElement.metadata = 1 -- Wrong exampleElement.metadata.Foo = nil -- Correct, deletes Foo from the table
Initialization Contexts
Game Instance Contexts
Menu Instance Contexts
Actor Instance Contexts
Player Contexts
Global Definitions
Data Types
Game Instances
Menu Instances
Map Instances
Camera Instances
Actor Instances
Live editing of mint border appearance - do not live edit the defaults, edit the specific border appearances instead.
For game objects: - game art tileset
For tile objects:
tileset.tiles - a table containing the names of tiles as keys and True as values
Viewport Types
Viewport Positions
Have the indices:
Indices contain viewport lengths.
Indices can be set to strings and other viewport lengths.
Viewport Dimensions
Have the indices:
Indices contain viewport lengths.
Indices can be set to strings and other viewport lengths.
Viewport Rectangles
Have the indices:
Indices contain viewport lengths.
Indices can be set to strings and other viewport lengths.
If the rectangle allows omissions and infinite values, indices can also be set to "+INF", "-INF", "" and nil. Omitted fields will default to appropriate context-specific values.
Viewport Lengths
Have the indices:
All can be read, all except absoluteLength can be set.
Appearance Types
All fields listed in the menu appearance section can be read and written to via the scripting interface, but they must first be translated to lower camel case, for example FONT becomes font, BACKGROUND_COLOR becomes backgroundColor and so on.
Setting an appearance setting of a mint to nil will make it inherit that setting from the menu instance it is in, and altering an appearance setting of a menu instance will make the mints in that menu use the new appearance setting IF they have inherited it. For example:
-- Set the menu appearance setting menu.appearance.mints.text.font = "C64" -- Empty appearance settings of mints get inherited from menus mint.appearance.text.font = nil print(mint.appearance.text.font) -- Will print C64 -- Inherited appearance settings are kept updated menu.appearance.mints.text.font = "ARCADE" print(mint.appearance.text.font) -- Will print ARCADE -- Explicitly setting an appearance setting will stop inheritance mint.appearance.text.font = "BUBBLES" menu.appearance.mints.text.font = "C64" print(mint.appearance.text.font) -- Will print BUBBLES
The full list of available fields is as follows:
Menu Appearance Fields
menu.appearance menu.appearance.backgroundColor menu.appearance.border menu.appearance.border.activeColor menu.appearance.border.inactiveColor menu.appearance.border.width menu.appearance.border.<left/right/up/down>.activeColor menu.appearance.border.<left/right/up/down>.inactiveColor menu.appearance.border.<left/right/up/down>.width menu.appearance.mints menu.appearance.mints.activeColor menu.appearance.mints.inactiveColor menu.appearance.mints.text menu.appearance.mints.text.activeColor menu.appearance.mints.text.inactiveColor menu.appearance.mints.text.font menu.appearance.mints.text.position menu.appearance.mints.text.alignment menu.appearance.mints.text.margin menu.appearance.mints.text.wrap menu.appearance.mints.text.lineHeight menu.appearance.mints.text.cursor menu.appearance.mints.text.cursor.type menu.appearance.mints.text.cursor.color menu.appearance.mints.text.cursor.blink menu.appearance.mints.text.regions menu.appearance.mints.text.regions.<region>.range menu.appearance.mints.text.regions.<region>.font menu.appearance.mints.text.regions.<region>.offset menu.appearance.mints.text.regions.<region>.activeColor menu.appearance.mints.text.regions.<region>.activeBgColor menu.appearance.mints.text.regions.<region>.inactiveBgColor menu.appearance.mints.text.regions.<region>.inactiveColor menu.appearance.mints.border menu.appearance.mints.border.activeColor menu.appearance.mints.border.inactiveColor menu.appearance.mints.border.width menu.appearance.mints.border.<left/right/up/down>.activeColor menu.appearance.mints.border.<left/right/up/down>.inactiveColor menu.appearance.mints.border.<left/right/up/down>.width
Mint Appearance Fields
mint.appearance mint.appearance.activeColor mint.appearance.inactiveColor mint.appearance.text mint.appearance.text.activeColor mint.appearance.text.inactiveColor mint.appearance.text.font mint.appearance.text.position mint.appearance.text.alignment mint.appearance.text.margin mint.appearance.text.wrap mint.appearance.text.lineHeight mint.appearance.text.cursor mint.appearance.text.cursor.type mint.appearance.text.cursor.color mint.appearance.text.cursor.blink mint.appearance.text.regions mint.appearance.text.regions.<region>.range mint.appearance.text.regions.<region>.font mint.appearance.text.regions.<region>.offset mint.appearance.text.regions.<region>.activeColor mint.appearance.text.regions.<region>.activeBgColor mint.appearance.text.regions.<region>.inactiveBgColor mint.appearance.text.regions.<region>.inactiveColor mint.appearance.border mint.appearance.border.activeColor mint.appearance.border.inactiveColor mint.appearance.border.width mint.appearance.border.<left/right/up/down>.activeColor mint.appearance.border.<left/right/up/down>.inactiveColor mint.appearance.border.<left/right/up/down>.width
Regions table
The regions table is a special table-like data structure - inserting tables representing regions into it (e.g. {RANGE = "1 10", FONT = "ARCADE"} will create new regions, and setting its existing indices to nil wil remove regions.
Window Stack
Special Element Names
Error Messages
Implementing Weather
Let's say you want to implement weather in your game, so that some maps have different looks depending on the weather, e.g. if it's snowy, sunny, rainy or windy. A possible way to do this is as follows:
Mark the maps that are sensitive to weather changes.
When the player enters such a map, go over the tiles in the map.
If a tile indicates that its appearance changes depending on the weather, find the tile to replace it with.
Do the replacement.
We can mark the maps that are sensitive to weather as:
We need to note weather sensitivity for tiles as well, and we also need a way to determine which tile replaces which. A simple way to do this is to name your tiles so that their names indicate which weather conditions they respond to, e.g.
Then you can just check the latter part of a tile name to see if it is sensitive to weather change, and replace the weather part to find the name of the new tile.
Our full script will then look like this: