Support Monospace Games
You can support me by sending crypto to the following addresses:
BTC bc1qquukgeytzr3h59lcypud3s530hq6yp0jy87unl
ETH 0x256ef836189fe756c46d823a6425845b3d9b50dd
BCH 1AquPtaB4ByRG293qC9hJQFsipmkXKiGzr
LTC LQ9wUbC6zpcnQj8RGv29pfHUjhdj4hjQyY
Sponsor's Messages
How to submit a message
After donation send an email to containing your transaction id and message. The tranasction id won't be displayed here, it's only used for confirmation. You can also use a name/pseudonym and an image, just attach it to the mail. Without a name or an image your message will be displayed as Anonymous and with a random emoji.