Progress Update: March 1st, 2025
I've continued working on the text renderer during February. Stuff like text regions and the new appearance settings are now functional, and currently I'm working on updating the cursor rendering code to reflect the changes.
Progress Update: February 1st, 2025
Last month's main focus was introducing new options to the engine's text rendering capabilities. Monospace Engine implements its own font format and text rendering functionality, and so far the appearance settings for this task have been fairly limited. Namely they were POSITION, ALIGNMENT and LINE_HEIGHT. This month I've began work on adding the text appearance options WRAP and MARGIN, as well as implementing text regions, so that different portions of a mint's text can have different colors/fonts/positioning.
I've also implemented cursor appearance options. Here's a small demo:
Progress Update: January 1st, 2025
Hello! I have been deep in the code mines recently, working on building new scripting interfaces for Monospace Engine. This work seems like it's going to take a while to complete, but I decided to take a break from it for today to talk a bit on what I've done over the course of last year.
The first half of the year mostly went towards writing the manual for Monospace Engine. As described in the previous news entries I developed Auction for this task, which is a tool to generate interactive single-file HTML documentation from org documents. This was a huge priority for me because one of my visions for Monospace Engine is that I want it to be Sneakernet-compatible - it should not require an internet connection, the documentation must be local, complete, and easy to understand and use by everyone.
An initial version of the manual can be found at You'll notice that it is not complete - especially the Scripting section. I actually have a draft for these sections, which has mostly been written for my personal use up til now, but as I worked on cleaning up these sections I realized that they were giving me problems because there was a lot of work to be done.
For example some of the features I wanted to document were implemented prior to the introduction of some scripting features and were rendered obsolete by them, and some scripting interfaces were too WIP for my taste, even though I had been actively using them to build things with the engine. So the latter half of the year went towards addressing such issues, and other improvements that were necessitated through the active use of the engine.
Most of the immediate work now concerns the improvement of these scripting interfaces, and using them to improve some of the existing functionality, e.g. the in-engine Lua shell and map editor.
Published Auction
Just published Auction, check it out here.
The Work Continues
Hi! It's been a while since the last news update. I recently published a new blog post on editing SVG images in emacs, so now is probably a good occasion to talk a bit about what I've been working on.
My main two goals for the last few months have been porting Monospace Engine to Windows and bringing its documentation online. The first goal took remarkably little time, but the second proved much harder than I expected. I already had a draft manual in place, but since it was for personal use it wasn't much good without significant rewrites.
I also wasn't happy with the web UI options available and ended up developing my own solution for this. It's still a work in progress, and I hope to release a version of it for general use before the manual itself.
We're live!
The website is finally live! Check out this blog post to read how I built it.